Liquid Journey 4 Day Retreat


Attuning to your Inner Rythym and Flow

Intrinsic Yoga & Movement

Voice Activation

Dance Journeys

Sound Journeys

 Exploring the Pain Body

Self-Love Ritual: My Body is a Magnificent Temple

Healing the Sensual Self through Sacred Movement and Dance

Day 1

You will be guided to attune to your personal inner rythym.  This is the beginning of you listening and feeling your body.  This process naturally brings us into a quiet and relaxed state.  As we begin to observe the movement that is happening within us, we can then mindfully stretch (Yoga) and flow into different movements.  Usuage of  the voice makes us more present and all together this preparation helps us to intuit how to dance and free our bodies.  We begin the dance journey by unwinding the body then end with a sound bath.


Day 2

The attunement to our craniosacral rythym will go deeper.  After the Intrinsic Yoga Session, we will explore emotions and begin to express them through gestures and movement.  We will use these feelings and free ourselves through dance.  We will also go another lever deeper in our voice activation then end our journey with a sound bath.


Day 3

On this day we are will create our individual Sacred Temple-Space.  Then we will purify and beautify ourselves.  We will meditatively attune to our craniosacral rythym then intuitively flow into a dance.  The journey ends with a soundbath.


Day 4

We will have a conscious talk about the pain body (emotional stagnation that creates blockages or pain in the body) and how we associate to our bodies, thus represent it.  Afterwards we attune to our craniosacral flow then begin

to create our sacred temple-space.  Once again we will purify our mind, body and soul with a beautiful ritulal then I will guide you to journey into your sensual self.  Concludes with a sound bath.  On this day if we have female and male participants, we will explore seperately.


Flower Waters and Garnishing will be provided.  If you wish to bring special things you never wore or wanted to wear, please do.  Otherwise there will be an array of different colored sarongs provided.


Retreat can be extended up to 7 Days.

Inner Rythm & Flow

We all have craniosacal fluid that runs through the cranium and sacrum.  Within this fluid there is a rythm that can be felt and followed.  The inner rythym can be felt through the entire body.  When we move or dance to this flow, emotions and blockages can be released and healing can occur.  This is a very relaxing and meditative process.

Intrinsic Yoga & Movement

Intrinsic Yoga and Movement is a combination of Transformation Hatha Yoga with flowing movements.  Stretching movements with mindful breathing will allow us to recognize where the blockages or tensions exist.  This mindful method will give us a deep understanding of overdoing and underdoing and make it easier to go into and out of bodily limitations.

Voice Activation

A fun, versatile, exploratory experience of using your voice

Dance Journey

This journey is guided.  It begins with mindful breathing, stretching and movement, opening  the possibility for you to dance for your heart and soul.  In order for emotions to come to the surface there will be specific music and sounds selected.  Just as well, selections for experiencing beauty, joy and freedom.


Our bodies respond to frequencies, because we ourselves are a vibrational biological form.  We are at all times affected by external vibrations that cause us to become extremely dense and ill.  Healing frequencies can help us to go internally and balance disturbances within the mind and body.  Soundbaths are unique journeys that you experience while laying down.  I/We work with monotone instruments and the voice which allow the body to sink into a vibrational deep space where you can experience peace.


Some of the Instruments used within a Soundbath:

Singing Bowls


Shruti Box

Shamanic Drum





Sacred Bells and Tones

Exploring the Pain Body

The body has its own consciousness.  Most of our traumas and pain are stored in the a memory bank.  Many of us ignore our blockages, stagnations and emotions......these charges or memories cause us to suffer within our bodies.  When we are calm and centered, we will be able to have access to the impaired mind and body.  If we respond/react towards the troubled mind and body with holistic and empowered approaches (conscious talks, affirmations, movements, dance) we can free ourselves of our ailments, diseases and psychosis.

Self-Love Rituals:  My Body is a Magnificent Temple

Showing and giving the body love through purfication and beauty rituals is something we should practice at least once a week.  And so we will be begin by creating our own sacred temple-space, which makes it all the more enchanted.  When we cleanse and beautify ourselves, we love ourselves.  In this empowered state we allow ourselves to be gifted and we are open to receive them.


you will be provided with:


*a candle or litltle candles

*a bowl and herbs for your flower water

*beads and/or chrystals to create your amulet and decorate your body

*a coloured sarong of your choice to dress yourself


Please feel free to bring make-up, jewelry and other beautiful abstract pieces to decorate and dress your magnificent body.

Healing the Sensual Self through Sacred Movement and Dance

In ancient times there are depictions of humans not feeling ashamed to be naked or to decorate there bodies with extravagant ornaments and to dance sensually, for it was/is the nature of being human.  Nowadays, most of us are disassociated with our bodies and feel shame or we don't honour and abuse our bodies.  After you have created your sacred space, you will be guided to rediscover how to sway and dance with your pure sensual loving spirit.   To make sure that everyone feels safe, the group will be divided according to what gender you are most attracted to.

4 Day Retreat 500€

(materials included)


4 Day Online Retreat 400€

(materials not included)


(pick-up, dropp off, accomodation and meals are not included)

Online Coaching


Intimate Groups